Setup Account

Hotchkiss Login Portal Icon

To access your Rave account settings, first go to the Hotchkiss Login Portal at to find and click on the Rave Mobile Safety icon.

Enter Site Name

If you are asked to enter your site name, start typing "Hotchkiss" into the search box and then select "The Hotchkiss School" from the auto-complete field. Click "Continue" to set the site. Most browsers will save this information so that you will not be asked every time.

Accept terms of use

The first time you access your Rave account you will be prompted to read and accept the Terms of Use.

If your account was not previously loaded to Rave by the school, this page may also ask you to enter your name and mobile number which will then take you to the "Confirm Carrier" step listed below.

Contact Information

All of your contact information is managed on a single page on the "My Account" tab. Here you are able to manage the mobile/voice-only numbers and email accounts that you wish to receive Hotchkiss Alerts.

Add Mobile Numbers

Click the "add" button next to Mobile Phones to add a mobile number that can receive text messages (SMS) and/or voice calls. When the "Enable Voice Message Delivery" box is checked, this number will also be used to call you to deliver a recorded voice of the alert message if that is included in the alert. You can add up to 3 mobile numbers to your account.

Confirm Carrier

Be sure to confirm or select the proper wireless carrier/company from the list.

Check Your Phone

After clicking on "continue" to confirm your carrier, check your phone for a confirmation code which will need to be entered on the next screen. If you do not receive the code within a few minutes, follow the instructions to re-send the code.

Enter Confirmation Code

Enter the confirmation code that was sent in the text message and click continue.

Add Voice-only Numbers

OPTIONAL: Click the "add" button next to Voice Only Line Contacts to add a landline number that can receive voice calls. You can add up to 3 voice only numbers to your account.

Add Preferred Emails

Your Hotchkiss email address is already included in your account. If you have additional email addresses that you would like to receive Hotchkiss Alerts, click the "add" button next to Email. You can add up to 2 additional email addresses to your account.

Review & Test

Review all of the contact information you have added on the "My Account" screen. Be sure to confirm and mobile numbers you have added or they will not receive alerts. You can test Mobile phones and emails by clicking the "Test" button next to the entry.